

Florist Choice Flowers

Florist Choice Flowers

Let the florist choose the most beautiful blooms of the day. *Fine Print: Every bouquet is hand ...

Hand Delivered
Lemon & Lime

Lemon & Lime

A beautiful collection of flowers simply wrapped and ready to arrange. *Fine Print: Every bouque...

Hand Delivered
Splash Of Colour

Splash Of Colour

A vibrant gerbera posy hand-tied featuring a mix of colours carefully selected by the local florist....

Hand Delivered
Cool Breeze

Cool Breeze

This classical stylish collection of flowers make this hand tied the perfect gift. Professionally ar...

Hand Delivered


Say hello in style with this fabulous hand tied. Why not take the opportunity to be spontaneous and ...

Hand Delivered
Pretty Perfect

Pretty Perfect

This warm, subtle coloured collection of beautiful flowers will make anyone’s day. *Fine Print:...

Hand Delivered

Same day flowers to Poland

A new and unique way to send flowers direct from local florists in Poland. The only website where you can select the florist to deliver your flowers and bouquet arrangements. Choose our own local Polish flower shops or florists in Poland and see pictures of their individual flowers and gift arrangements. All the listed flowers and arrangements are available for next day flower delivery to Poland. The florists also cater for same day flower delivery to Poland if ordered by 2pm local time.

By sending flowers to Poland using Direct2florist, you can see and choose your local florist delivering flowers to Poland. Going direct to the local florists in Poland means bigger, more beautiful bouquets and excellent service from the local flower shops as the full flower money is passed to your chosen local Polish flower shops.

Send flowers to Poland

Fresh flowers and gifts delivered in Poland by our local member flower shops. Order flowers and gift basket arrangements online by 2pm local time and get your flowers delivered same day by the florists you choose in Poland.

We have local Poland flower shops displaying their own flower bouquets and gift arrangements. Your chosen florist receives the full price they have set for the flowers you order, this is "Our Guarantee" unlike other flower websites where major deductions are made.